Financial Statements

The best financial statements are clear and simple to follow so they are relatable and help you make decisions.
Overly complicated numbers cause people to shut-down and not use them. We’re not interested in showing how smart we are by creating super complex financials no one can follow, we’re interested in providing clear, meaningful data that’s relatable and practical to the day to day operations.
CPA prepared financial statements are typically required for compliance with government rules, loan covenants or other third parties requesting financials in order to do business with them. These folks will dictate one of three levels of financial statement required: audits, reviews and compilations.
Audits, reviews and compilations can only be prepared by CPAs and must follow strict reporting requirements governed by the Board of Accountancy and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Each level provides a stamp of approval, if you will, at varying degrees. Audits are the highest level of assurance followed by reviews then compilations.
Our firm prepares review and compilation level financial statements only. We do not prepare audits. Audits are a unique specialty and you are best suited working with a firm that specializes in them vs ones that only do a few. (Be sure to ask that question if you are looking for an auditor).